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Kong Tower #127: A Rescue is Completed

Kong Tower #127: A Rescue is Completed published on 2 Comments on Kong Tower #127: A Rescue is Completed

Late late late late late. The next one’s simple, I’ll get it on time, hopefully early enough to get a Thor comic for next Friday. After that this arc gets wrapped up and we start doing something new.

And hey, if you like Kong Tower, please, please tell your webcomic-inclined friends about it, share it on social media, and possibly most importantly, comment and try to interact with me. The few comments I get on every other page, even if it’s just pointing out a typo, really light up my day because it’s proof to me that people are reading and enjoying my work, and it’s really what keeps me going on this. Thank you.

Also, vote please.

Kong Tower #126: Hammer Time

Kong Tower #126: Hammer Time published on No Comments on Kong Tower #126: Hammer Time

Natalie’s kind of a badass.

This one was a lot of fun to draw, sorry I ended up doing so on Tuesday Morning again. The Nazi arc is almost wrapped up, just a few more finishing details and then we’ll move on to something new.

A Vote for Kong Tower is a Vote for Nazi crotch-shot impalement. It’s the right thing to do.

Kong Tower #95: How to Increase Your Rent

Kong Tower #95: How to Increase Your Rent published on No Comments on Kong Tower #95: How to Increase Your Rent

Sorry about the lateness. Classes have started and all. But hey, at least it’s a decent page, I like the depth I got with the shading.

And hey! you can Vote to see Kong Tower #44, not only actually scanned this time, but fully colored! It’s a pretty effing significant change given the original post was literally a poorly-taker photograph. So vote please!

Kong Tower #93: Pick Me Up, Scotty!

Kong Tower #93: Pick Me Up, Scotty! published on No Comments on Kong Tower #93: Pick Me Up, Scotty!

This page title is my humble submission for the Terrible Pun Awards.

I believe the moral message of this should be fairly self-evident, so I won’t bother expanding on it too much. People should have the right to have sex however and with whoever they please (within consenting terms, of course) without getting any flack for it, as well as to not have sex however and with whoever they please, also without getting any flack for it. Generally everybody should just leave each other the frack alone.

Vote some time in the next week to see Kong Tower #42: Life, the Universe, and References colorized! And it’s a good one for that, too.

Kong Tower #73: Super-Douche vs… Fat Shaming!

Kong Tower #73: Super-Douche vs… Fat Shaming! published on No Comments on Kong Tower #73: Super-Douche vs… Fat Shaming!

Karen’s a nurse, she provides part-time care for some of the building’s elderly and disabled tenants, among them our faithful dispenser of Exposition up there. And yes, she’s the Karen who set up the betting pool April and Tim were talking about. Also that was her in the poorly produced Deadpool comic.

Been a while since we’ve seen Gene, aka the Super-Douche. He’s fun. In a sadistic writer kind of way.

Vote on TWC to see Kong Tower #21: I’ve Run Out of Spider-Man Lines to Parody in full color this week only! Well, until I pass comic 30 on that and put the past ten all up on my various social media. Like I’ll be doing today with the last 10. But please vote anyway by clicking the button below!