Organized roughly by number of appearances:
Tim Kennedy
- Status: Inactive Super
- Powers: Magic-crystal powered low-level telekinesis. Artistic talent. Nerdiness. (both totally powers, guys)
- Occupation: Graphic designer/Artist/part-time magician
- Personal Notes: Idolizes superheroes. Deeply regrets his incompetence at being one.
April Freedman
- Status: Inactive Super
- Powers: Flight. Enhanced lung capacity. Seductiveness, apparently.
- Occupation: Online IT tech and White Hat hacker
- Personal Notes: Short tempered. Does not discriminate among sexual partners. Lactose intolerant.
Aya Barber
- Status: Inactive Super
- Powers: Animesqueness
- Occupation: Student
- Personal Notes: Idealistic View of Super-Heroing. Daughter of Sgt. Acme and Bugeisha
- Status: Inactive Super
- Powers: Mild psychic and reality warping powers centered around delusion of fictitiousness.
- Occupation: Unemployed
- Personal Notes: Yeah, hi, it’s me, I’m gonna highjack this bio to tell you the author is a hack who can’t dra– Oh you shut up.

Arachne/Nancy Amankwah
- Status: Active hero
- Powers: Spider gene induced enhanced strength and durability, sticky fingers, queen of all spiders
- Occupation: Journalism student. Waitress. Super-seamstress.
- Personal Notes: Awkward when smitten. Which is often.
- Status: Alien Invader
- Powers: Bizarre Alien Biology
- Occupation: Unemployed
- Personal Notes: Son to Baron Krznm, convinced him to come to Earth because he misunderstood that Hentai characters were not real people. Has a crush on Aya.

Sergeant Omega/Stu Sterling
- Status: Active Hero
- Powers: Jeez. Just…just too many. This is not fair.
- Occupation: Reporter
- Personal Notes: Just lets the cars fall now
Max Addams/The Atomicist
- Status: Former Hero
- Powers: Genius and the LIMITLESS POWER OF THE ATOM!
- Occupation: Cook
- Personal Notes: Runs the Tower’s Diner. Do NOT dis his Super-past or dine and dash in his diner.

Monkey Man/Sunny Wu
- Status: Active Hero
- Powers: Money. Gadgets afforded by money. Skills afforded by gadgets and money
- Occupation: Billionaire industrialist. Owner of Kong Tower.
- Personal Notes: Holds record for most former sidekicks.
Karen Shaughnessy/Strong Lass

- Status: Active Hero
- Powers: Cellular Respecialization, notably fat-to-muscle.
- Occupation: Private Nurse
- Personal Notes: Will either tenderly aid your health and wellness or punch you in the face. There is little middle ground.
Striped Shirt Gang
- Status: Mooks
- Powers: N/A
- Occupation: Disturbingly loyal criminals
- Personal notes: They know they’ll get beat up by supers. They do their damn jobs anyway.
- Status: Undeceased
- Powers: High metabolic efficiency, resistance to decay
- Occupation: Horde
- Status: Active Hero
- Powers: Enhanced Speed. Not the traction for it to work, though.
- Occupation:
- Personal Notes: Kind of a dick. Does not know his Super-History.
Rob McCobb, Zombie P.I.
- Status: Undeceased
- Powers: Removable limbs, high metabolic efficiency, deduction
- Occupation: Private Investigator, Police Consultant
- Personal Notes: Only eats cruelty free, locally sourced BRAAAAAAIIIIINNNSSS!
Detective Wells
- Status: Civilain
- Powers: None
- Occupation: Police Detective
- Personal Notes: Best Friends Forever with a quasi-psychotic corpse with a PI license
Aldous Q. Blacklock
- Status: Former Sidekick
- Powers: None
- Occupation: Manager of Kong Tower Apartments
- Personal Notes: Used to be Monkey Man’s sidekick, due to shenanigans is now elderly and has more experience than any two active heroes combined.
- Status: Active Hero
- Powers: Chanels mystic energies to generate and control spectral forms of dead organisms she holds a piece of.
- Occupation:
- Personal Notes: Yes, her powers seem kind of evil. She herself is at worst neutral.

Dragon Head/Ulysses Behn
- Status: Former Sidekick,
Active Hero,Uhdeceased - Powers: Guns.
- Occupation: Unemployed renegade vigilante (he pickpockets criminals when he’s done bludgeoning them)
- Personal Notes: Former sidekick of Monkey Man. Has acquired a recent interest in BRAAAAAAAIIIIINNNNSSS!
Detective Ng
- Status: Civilian
- Powers: None
- Occupation: Rookie Police Detective
- Personal Notes: Wells’ new partner. Managed not to vomit at crime scene.
Gene Jenkins
- Status: Inactive Super
- Powers: Teleportation
- Occupation: Clerk
- Personal Notes: Douche.
The Art Major
- Status: Active Villain
- Powers: Artistic Talent
- Occupation: Student, Criminal
- Personal Notes: Lame
Ares Gould/Lord Krznm
- Status: Active Villain, Alien invader
- Powers: Superior alien technology
- Occupation: “Norman Human Businessman”
- Personal Notes: Was talked into invading Earth by his son. Leads a band of villains infiltrating an apartment building.
Sergeant Acme/Harry Barber
- Status: Active Hero
- Powers: Cartoon Physics
- Occupation: Actor, comedian
- Personal Notes: Father of Aya and Steve Barber, husband to Rin Barber/Bugeisha and ex-husband to Angeline Toussaint/Mambo Doubye. Personality matches powers.
Bugeisha/Rin Akane Barber
- Status: Active Hero
- Powers: Advanced traditional Japanese martial art and weaponry skills, Shinto magic induced enhanced strength and reflexes, matter manipulation. Badassness.
- Occupation: Lawyer
- Personal Notes: Mother to Aya and wife to Harry Barber. Secretive. Aggressive. Can bake.
- Status: Supervillainous Conspiracy of Racists
- Powers: World War II Wunderwaffen, occasional sorcery, self-proclaimed racial superiority.
- Occupation: World domination. Racism. Locomotive Scheduling.
- Personal Notes: Generally just a big group of really awful friends nobody else likes.