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Kong Tower #151: Spooked III

Kong Tower #151: Spooked III published on 3 Comments on Kong Tower #151: Spooked III

I am so, terribly sorry for that long hiatus, I have no excuse. Literally none, there’s nothing else in my life distracting me, I just didn’t work for a while for no particular reason. Thanks for your patience! Here’s some copy/pasted dramatic poses!

Seriously though, it’s good to be back, now with some sort of buffer for the first time in forever, and I’m looking forward to where the next few pages are gonna take us. Hope you enjoy! And please click the box below to vote!

Kong Tower #150: Spooked II

Kong Tower #150: Spooked II published on 3 Comments on Kong Tower #150: Spooked II

Hey, at least it’s the same day this time! Thought I’d get it done right in the morning, turned out to be more of an all-day thing. But I wanted to get those trench coats juuuuuust right.

[[EDIT]] Sorry to say this, but given this nice round milestone of #150, I’m gonna snatch the excuse to take a couple weeks off and hopefully actually build up a buffer like I always say I’m going to when I take time off but never do. See you all in a bit!

[[FURTHER EDIT 9/4/18]] I promise this is the last week without any updates, thank you all for your patience.

Please vote, donate, etcetera.

Kong Tower #116: The Brothers McCobb

Kong Tower #116: The Brothers McCobb published on No Comments on Kong Tower #116: The Brothers McCobb

This might be the last we see of these two for a bit. But worry not, more is planned.

Hey! Take a look at this interview I did with Convict Comics about Kong Tower!

Vote for Kong Tower Please!

Kong Tower #108: They’re Creepy and They’re Kooky

Kong Tower #108: They’re Creepy and They’re Kooky published on 2 Comments on Kong Tower #108: They’re Creepy and They’re Kooky


Somewhere, there’s a little Scottish town with an old man who’s home everyone desperately avoids every Christmas.

Please vote! I’ll be very grateful!

Kong Tower #103: Zombie Noir III

Kong Tower #103: Zombie Noir III published on 4 Comments on Kong Tower #103: Zombie Noir III

This is, uh. This is one of the more outright lewd jokes I’ve done. Tell me what you think. Anyway, I’m tired now and will go to bed.

[[EDIT]]: I fixed the typos.

Vote please, it will make me very happy and is good karma and shit like that.

Kong Tower #102: Zombie Noir II

Kong Tower #102: Zombie Noir II published on 3 Comments on Kong Tower #102: Zombie Noir II

“Her legs went on for miles…” That is an actual detective film cliche right? I’m not just pulling that out of my ass?

Sorry about last week. I got distracted with other things and, you know. But hey! Two year anniversary’s coming up next month! Don’t forget to bring presents! There’ll be a strip that day since it conveniently coincides with the awesome-looking Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2!

There’s no new incentive, because I haven’t really figured out what to do now that I’ve finished all the colorized old strips, but Vote anyway! Charity’s good for the soul!

Kong Tower #101: Zombie Noir

Kong Tower #101: Zombie Noir published on 1 Comment on Kong Tower #101: Zombie Noir

Hey, you read that last title. It’s not a cliffhanger if you’re not left hanging. Besides, it’s been like fifty comics since we last saw Rob McCobb, and that is FAR too long a hiatus between zombie-detective plotlines if you ask me.

Forgot where we left off with Rob? Conveniently, the last comic featuring him has now been colorized as a voting incentive! It’s also the last un-colored comic for me to put up, so I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do from here on. Vote please!

Kong Tower #49: A Case of the Living Dead VI

Kong Tower #49: A Case of the Living Dead VI published on 1 Comment on Kong Tower #49: A Case of the Living Dead VI

Were I a true San Franciscan I’d probably have slipped a football reference into the 49th comic. Eh.

This is the last bit of overly in-depth zombie analysis for a while. Some changes coming to Kong Tower next week. I won’t say anything more, you’ll just have to wait and see.

Remember, you can vote every day to see a big, full-color image of a bunch of characters from this comic recreating the poster for Star Wars!

Kong Tower #48: A Case of the Living Dead V

Kong Tower #48: A Case of the Living Dead V published on No Comments on Kong Tower #48: A Case of the Living Dead V

This one’s a few hours late. Sorry about that. I’ve been waiting to do this joke since I first came up with the storyline idea. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

I wish I’d realized it was International Women’s Day. Feel like kind of a dick for not giving the only female character in this comic any lines. Or a face. I’ll do better next year.

Hey look, I’ve figured out how this works!

So Click and Vote!