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Kong Tower #141: Revanchists: Infinity Bar

Kong Tower #141: Revanchists: Infinity Bar published on 1 Comment on Kong Tower #141: Revanchists: Infinity Bar

So Infinity War’s really good. It’s so good, here’s everybody just having a good time and not being dead because no one dies and everything is okay. The End.

Seriously, go see the movie it’s awesome. Also I really like how the bar-room atmosphere came out in this one. Shows what one multiply layer can do, eh?

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Kong Tower #117: Nazi Roll Call

Kong Tower #117: Nazi Roll Call published on 3 Comments on Kong Tower #117: Nazi Roll Call

Sergeant States really likes killing Nazis. Only appropriate, really.

[EDIT] Nothing new for the 8th, I’m sorry to say. I got behind due to working out the story for the rest of this section and a writing deadline, and I figure with a trip that’s coming up I need to have a buffer and can’t keep getting pages done at the last minute.

It’s a new month, and that means Top Web Comics is in a new voting period. If you enjoy Kong Tower, please be so kind as to spend a minute to give its ranking a head starts. All votes to towards more Nazi-punching. Thank you.