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Kong Tower #81: New, Extra-Strength Power-Be-Gone!

Kong Tower #81: New, Extra-Strength Power-Be-Gone! published on No Comments on Kong Tower #81: New, Extra-Strength Power-Be-Gone!

Putting this up now, so I can at least say I put something up on Tuesday. I’ll get it colored and put in the effects I meant to and add speech bubbles and a title and put the better version up some time in the next day or so. Also get the new colorized incentive up. This is what you get for reading a webcomic by a college senior. And a lazy one at that.

Okay, that’s better. Got effects and such.

Just vote. To see Kong Tower #29: Revanchists: Age of Fashion with color and effects!!!

Kong Tower #73: Super-Douche vs… Fat Shaming!

Kong Tower #73: Super-Douche vs… Fat Shaming! published on No Comments on Kong Tower #73: Super-Douche vs… Fat Shaming!

Karen’s a nurse, she provides part-time care for some of the building’s elderly and disabled tenants, among them our faithful dispenser of Exposition up there. And yes, she’s the Karen who set up the betting pool April and Tim were talking about. Also that was her in the poorly produced Deadpool comic.

Been a while since we’ve seen Gene, aka the Super-Douche. He’s fun. In a sadistic writer kind of way.

Vote on TWC to see Kong Tower #21: I’ve Run Out of Spider-Man Lines to Parody in full color this week only! Well, until I pass comic 30 on that and put the past ten all up on my various social media. Like I’ll be doing today with the last 10. But please vote anyway by clicking the button below!

Kong Tower #37: A Death in the Insults

Kong Tower #37: A Death in the Insults published on No Comments on Kong Tower #37: A Death in the Insults

Bet for a second there you thought I was actually introducing this cool Red Hood type character to actually keep around huh? Nope.

Sorry this is coming out on a Friday instead of the usual Tuesday, but hey, it’s Finals Season. Besides, this is more or less a one-off, so it’s fitting for a Friday.

Vote for Kong Tower.

Kong Tower #32: Do Me a Favor: Tell the Audience About Me

Kong Tower #32: Do Me a Favor: Tell the Audience About Me published on 6 Comments on Kong Tower #32: Do Me a Favor: Tell the Audience About Me

My first days late comic. I guess it’s something every webcomic artist has to go through, especially early on. Oh well.

It took me literally until the very last stages of making this to realize his helmet is drawn wrong in the last Panel. Oops.

I had some trouble coming up with a title for this one and eventually settled on a bastardized version of one of the title character’s first lines from the ’89 Batman movie: “I want you to do me a favor: I want you to tell all your friends about me.” It’s a stretch, I know.

I know people with OCD don’t usually have the compulsion of Narrating, but honestly in my limited knowledge of mental disorders I couldn’t think of one that fit better. Tell me in the comments if there’s something better I could use. If this part of the comic offends you, I would like to direct you to this comic of a few months ago to demonstrate how little I probably care.

Vote for Kong Tower or Emmerson will get very anxious.