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The world and its players are introduced. Altogether kind of a boring day for everyone.

Kong Tower #14: The Incredible Shrinking Jerk

Kong Tower #14: The Incredible Shrinking Jerk published on No Comments on Kong Tower #14: The Incredible Shrinking Jerk

Comic inspired partly by the new Marvel movie (which I haven’t seen because although it’s out at the time you’re reading this I’m making these comics like three weeks in advance at this point) about Ant Man (who has, just, the worst name. You can argue for his powers but god damn, the name. I mean even if he wanted to be in-theme, he could be like, “Formic” or something which is all latin and sciency and doesn’t sound like someone forgot the word for “uncle”), and partly by this Cracked article which details in hilarious prose just what an absolute bitch Lois Lane is.

I think this is how it’s gonna be. Comics that are actually part of an arc come out on Tuesday, then occasionally you get Friday Randomness, maybe to parody a movie coming out or just to separate different arcs with some of my less sequential ideas. This isn’t to say that Tiny M–– Quark won’t show up again, just that he won’t show up next week.

Vote for Kong Tower on Top Web Comics and all your dreams will come true. Assuming your dreams exclusively involve seeing a big color image of the Spider-Man parody girl from last Tuesday.

Kong Tower #13: Does Some Things a Spider Can’t, Too

Kong Tower #13: Does Some Things a Spider Can’t, Too published on No Comments on Kong Tower #13: Does Some Things a Spider Can’t, Too

Striped sweater=criminal again. Really killing it with the symbolism lately.

Special thanks to my friend Kayla, for inspiring this comic. Well, I say inspired, she suggested I copy that comic that’s been floating around the Internet forever but I’m too lazy to find a source for about Spider-Man shooting spiders out of his wrists, I told her my original idea for this strip in which the joke was that Arachne’s only power was wall-crawling and she had no idea how to fight, so the cutaway panel was of her ripping a criminal’s face off, and she suggested I not do that. So here this is.

Vote for Kong Tower to see an exclusive full-body, colored image of the heroine above!

Kong Tower #12: Required Secondary Powers Required II

Kong Tower #12: Required Secondary Powers Required II published on No Comments on Kong Tower #12: Required Secondary Powers Required II

You can tell they’re bad guys because one is wearing a black-and-white striped sweater.

If this doesn’t seem to make much sense, it may be because I released two of these today and you didn’t check the first one. It might also be because this comic is largely nonsensical.

If you’ve been wondering desperately what the waitress’s story is, you must be very easily entertained. Also you’ll get some answers next week. If you’ve been wondering desperately where the hell this comic is going, you and me both, bucko.

Seriously, Vote for Kong Tower

Kong Tower #11: Required Secondary Powers Required

Kong Tower #11: Required Secondary Powers Required published on 1 Comment on Kong Tower #11: Required Secondary Powers Required

I’m going to be really, really evil and provide a link to the TV Tropes page this comic references. See you suckers in like a month!

Note that I’ve released this page with the next one today. That’s right: two comics! On the same Tuesday! Like Christmas in July, baby!

And in case you missed the update on last week’s comic, remember to Vote for Kong Tower

Kong Tower #10: What Not to Say to Anime Fans

Kong Tower #10: What Not to Say to Anime Fans published on No Comments on Kong Tower #10: What Not to Say to Anime Fans

If you’ve never known any Anime fans like this, you clearly haven’t known many Anime fans.

I don’t like how these guys came out as much as I did in the last page. But hey, that’s what happens when you draw this crap by hand.

[EDIT] You can now vote for Kong Tower on the site Top Web Comics, and get your new favorite heroes and not-so-heroes more publicity!

Kong Tower #9: Unfortunate Power Combinations

Kong Tower #9: Unfortunate Power Combinations published on No Comments on Kong Tower #9: Unfortunate Power Combinations

Seriously, can you imagine if that sort of thing just happened in real life? Turtlenecks that are somehow simultaneously snug and too long?!

On another note, I’ve just recently realized how many other webcomics there are in this same theme, such as SpinneretteThe Non-Adventures of Wonderella, and League of Super Redundant Heroes. Which really leaves me with two options: I can strive for as much individuality and wit in my own writing as possible, hoping to distinguish myself from my peers… Or I can steal from those guys until I fear a lawsuit, then keep stealing. Decisions, decisions…