I am a young man. Young enough that, when I was in my infancy, and for some time after, my parents were fans of The X-Files. In fact, when I was a baby, they would put me in one of those bouncy seat things in the living room with them so that they could watch it. I blame a lot of my personality on this fact.
This comic is, obviously to anyone who’s a fan of The X-Files, a reference to Gillian Anderson’s infamous pregnancy during much of the first and second seasons of the show. This pregnancy, and the difficulties of filming with it, is the direct cause of many of the major developments of those seasons, and setting the groundwork for the plot of the remaining five. It’s also the cause behind her character’s fairly iconic bulky trench coats.
The point that I’m trying to get across here in this rant is that…I’ve just made a joke that’s been out of date for, roughly, my entire lifetime. Now that’s the kind of comedy you can only find here at Kong Tower. Which is why you should vote for it on Top Web Comics, as well as to see Kong Tower #18: My Spider Social Anxiety is Tingling! remastered in full color. Go ahead. Click the button there.
[EDIT]: Sorry, but no new comic on Tuesday, July 26, because of reasons. Mostly I just got caught up with other things and need the time to build up a buffer anyway. I have however updated the voting incentive to the colorized Kong Tower #19: Introducing, the Cool Quartet! So there’s that.